
Saturday, January 29, 2011


(This is my first bilingual post.)

Well, ok, not quite but for me it is.  I went out and bought a few items to help revamp my current wardrobe.  I had a surprisingly good and successful time despite having 2 kids in tow.  What's more the clothes were a size smaller than I expected!  I had to check to make sure the world wasn't coming to an end.  :)  I managed to get 2 pairs of pants, a blazer, a shirt, 2 skirts, 2 scarves, a purse, a wrap, a tunic, and a pair of boots all for about $270.  Every store is having huge sales.  It's a sign of the times.

(Dies ist meine erste zweisprachige Blog-Posting.)

Na ja, ok, nicht wirklich, aber für mich ist es.  Ich kaufte ein paar Dinge zu verbessern meiner aktuellen Garderobe.  Ich hatte eine überraschend gute und erfolgreiche Zeit trotz 2 Kinder mit mir. Und die Kleider waren eine Nummer kleiner als ich erwartet hatte!  Ich hatte zu prüfen, war die Welt nicht zu Ende. :) Ich kaufte 2 Hosen, ein Blazer, ein Hemd, 2 Röcke, 2 Schals, eine Geldbörse, ein Wrap, eine Tunika und ein Paar Stiefel alle für ungefähr $ 270. Jedes Geschäft hat enormen Umsatz. Es ist ein Zeichen der Zeit.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Look, A New Approach

I think for the new year, even though it's already 24 days old, I'm going to go with a new least in my blog to start.  I need to to shake up my routine.  I need to shake up my wardrobe.  Like most women I'm unhappy with my bod. Somehow I intend to do something about that.  I need to be a bit more high maintenance than I usually am.  I intend to work on my image (translation: lose weight and look less dumpy and frumpy) this coming year so I'll be the hottest 40 year old come next February.  I need to plan now because it'll take me that long to accomplish it.  :)

I don't know if anyone knows it, but I'm a bit of a Germanophile.  I think I might have mentioned it on here before.  I've never visited Germany, but the language and culture have intrigued me for years (actually since about 1986-87).  I found an interesting blog <> by accident.  I was Googling for a braided headband pattern and her site popped up.  She is in Munich, but I think she is originally from the UK.  She writes a bilingual blog: English and German.  I think I may try that as well for practice in my upcoming entries.  Maybe my friend in Hamburg will be gracious enough to correct my grammar and vocabulary (continually).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Falling Waaaay Behind

Well, I really needed to put up this post.  I haven't made one since before NaNoWriMo.  How appalling is that?!  I don't have an excuse.  It simply got pushed aside and forgotten.  I really intended to keep things current on here, but you know the road to hell...

What's new?  We're selling up and moving into Victoria.  Well, we're trying to sell but the market is pretty soft and we live in Sooke.  Not to mention that because our floors squeak people are hesitant to make an offer.  There's nothing wrong with our house and this problem is fixable (albeit with a lot of mess) but people are easily spooked and don't want to throw away their cash on a dud.  It would be nice if we had an offer subject to getting this fixed or reducing the price by the amount to fix it.  I think we'll be here for a bit.